All things House

We are already into our second term of the 2022/2023 academic year, and the school is alive with the buzzing of all things House! From House Pride days, where chanting, dancing, dressing up and creativity have been the focus, to competitions arranged by the House Committee such as the Christmas cake-decorating event and pumpkin carving, to the earning of House Points throughout the school, and to competitions arranged by the Houses themselves, students have been very involved in trying to ensure their House will come out on top at the end of the year. Who is in the lead at any given time can be seen on the House point boxes on display outside the theatre which are updated monthly to reflect current standings.


Regarding House competitions, Phoenix started us off with a fantastic sports event before the Christmas vacation. Primary Dodgeball and Secondary Spikeball was fun for both those who watched and those who participated. Phoenix House came out as winners in both competitions! Just this week, a music competition, organised by Unicorns, took place, and what a treat it was for us to see the talent our ISBe students have! Students from both Primary and Secondary school had a chance to show off their amazing musical abilities with a range of instruments including drums, guitar and piano; well done to all those who competed! A special congratulations goes to both Primary and Secondary Unicorns musicians who achieved first place! We now wait in anticipation for the Dragons’ event in February. 


Students are working really well in their House groups under the guidance of a fantastic group of captains and vice-captains who are doing a great job in their leadership positions. We as a House Committee team are proud of all the great work, energy and competitive spirit clearly visible from everyone involved. Keep it up Houses!