Global Perspectives: Design Award 2021 “Healthy Cities for All”

Last week our Class 9 students got the chance to put themselves in the shoes of an urban planner. For their project called ‘Healthy Cities for All,’ they were given the task of designing a healthy and vibrant city by focusing on the following four categories:

(1) inclusion and participation

(2) environment and sustainability 

(3) provision of goods and services 

(4) health and activity. 



Not only did this project allow them to use their research, collaboration, and problem-solving skills, they also got a chance to speak to Suzanne Kimman, who is an urban planner and who works for a local council in London where she focuses on sustainability. She gave them feedback on their design and asked challenging questions about the choices they made.


Together with Suzanne, Mr Bob and I now have the difficult task of rating each aspect of their cities and deciding on who receives the 2021 Healthy City Design Award. We will announce the winners in the last week of school!