Last week was literacy week and there were numerous activities taking place across the school.


Students could submit photos of themselves – READING IN AN UNUSUAL PLACE. There was a very interesting collection but also a few outstanding ones:

1st place– Nathan C6

2nd place – Penny C3

And a special prize for staff- Ms Amanda! 


Mr Koenraad put together a collection of poems which were submitted by students and staff. There were video recordings of these that students could watch and also a written translation in book form.


Students created a story with all classes in primary contributing and the same in secondary. They also designed some amazing bookmarks which are on display in the foyer. Teachers shared their childhood favourite book and students had to guess who they belonged to.


There were graphic comics and some classes converted their classroom doors in a book cover. Mrs Short had reading tea parties with the primary classes and Early Years had daily activities involving a magic story box, phonics bingo, scavenger hunt and picture nursery rhymes.


Students could drop everything and read on cue, submit entries to the Literary Journal and listen to stories in music. There was a tongue twister competition for different sections and we saw amazing effort from all students who after a practice round, selected their top 3 for each house and then here are our overall winners:

For class 1 & 2 – Shraavya C2 Unicorns & Aadhya C2 Unicorns. 

For class 3-5 – Arnav C5 Dragon and Luke C4 Unicorn.

For secondary – Dutch version – Isabelle C10 Unicorn and English version –Mahi C9 Dragons & Archit C11 Phoenix.


On Friday students and staff dressed up for book character day. There were some great costumes but the prizes went to-1st place: Nathan (C6), 2nd place: Lein (C5) & Staff Winner: Sharon.

A fantastic week!!!!