Pre-school uses nature’s way of learning – play, to enhance children’s development. The teachers use the principles of the International Early Years Curriculum (IEYC) to develop the children’s knowledge, skills and understanding of themselves and the world around them. They also follow the UK Letters and Sounds phonics scheme and the UK Abacus Maths programme to develop their English and Maths skills, at an age appropriate level, alongside the IEYC. We have fully qualified English speaking staff together with our PE and Music specialists and the children are encouraged to regularly borrow books from our Library to support their learning.

The IEYC is designed around eight learning principles, that we consider essential to children’s learning and development.
The earliest years of life are important in their own right.
- Children should be supported to learn and develop at their own unique pace.
- Play is an essential aspect of all children’s learning and development.
- Learning happens when developmentally appropriate, teacher scaffolded and child initiated experiences harness children’s natural curiosity in an enabling environment.
- Independent and interdependent learning experiences create a context for personal development and are the foundation of international mindedness.
- Knowledge and skills development lead to an increasing sense of understanding when children are provided with opportunities to explore and express their ideas in multiple ways.
- Ongoing assessment, in the form of evaluation and reflection, is effective when it involves a learning link with the home.
- Learning should be motivating, engaging and fun, opening up a world of wonder for children where personal interests can flourish.
Each unit of learning links all four of these Learning Strands to relevant and engaging activities that can be adapted and extended to meet individual needs.
There are 18 IEYC units of learning. Units currently include topics such as: To The Rescue!, This is Me, The Brilliant Bug Ball, Weather Wonders, Dinosaur Detectives, Ocean Treasure, Once Upon a Time and Animal Rescuers.
The units are based around exciting themes aimed to capture children’s natural curiosity.