Primary Newsletter 20/09/2024

Primary Newsletter 20/09/2024

Dear Parents and Carers,

It has been a busy couple of weeks in Primary. We have already had some events and the students are really getting into their work.

Last Friday we celebrated Dot Day and Ms Mac has written a piece all about it, so please have a look at that and the photos.

I was also out of school on some training for NEASC which was very interesting and confirmed that we are taking our primary students along the correct learning paths. We are already very closely aligned to the ACE Learning Principles.

Many of you will have now had your ‘settling in’ meetings with teachers. It is a chance to discuss how things have started in the school year and clarify any misunderstandings. It is also another chance to meet the teacher. I hope you found it a valuable experience. Very new students will have their meetings after a week or two.

On Tuesday our classes 3,4 and 5 visited the theatre in Aartselaar to see a local performance of Little Red Riding Hood. The performance was in Dutch so it was a great opportunity for our students to use some of the vocabulary they have learned in their Dutch classes with Ms Kristien, especially as one of the units they cover is Fairytales. It was an interactive performance and our students joined in well with the dancing and singing.

Today has been World Clean-up Day and the Primary school has been a full participant. All of our classes have cleaned up a small area. Yesterday classes 3 and 4 went to Park van Eden and today EY and class 1 went to our local park. The rest of our classes worked around the school. I hope some of you are able to attend your local events.

Read below how the clean up day activity went for class 3 and 4:

In celebration of World Clean Up Day 2024, our primary and early years classes actively participated in a school-wide initiative to support both the local community and the environment. Each class organised litter-picking activities, which took place on either Thursday or Friday, aiming to make a positive difference in the area. Class 3 spent time throughout the week learning about the pressing issues of pollution, litter, and the harmful effects they have on our planet. The students engaged in thoughtful discussions about the importance of keeping our surroundings clean and protecting the environment for future generations. Their enthusiasm was evident, as they channelled their passion into creating vibrant, informative posters that were displayed throughout the school to raise awareness of World Clean Up Day. These posters not only showcased the children’s creativity but also inspired other students and staff to reflect on the impact of waste and pollution. Excited to take action, Classes 3 and 4 spent all of Thursday morning at Park Van Eden, where they enthusiastically participated in litter-picking. The children worked together to collect litter, contributing to a cleaner, healthier park for everyone to enjoy. The experience was wonderful, and the students were thrilled to play an active role in improving the planet. They took great pride in contributing to a healthier, waste-free world and felt a strong sense of responsibility in supporting their local community. This hands-on initiative not only allowed them to apply what they had learned in the classroom but also fostered a deeper connection to the environment and a sense of accomplishment in making a real-world difference.

In the first few weeks Primary classes have had their students present their ideas for improving the school. Once all of the ideas were shared students voted for their primary student voice representatives. The top four have been interviewed by Mrs Short and Ms Saachi and the final representatives selected. From now until January we will have the following students in the Primary Student Voice: Class 1- Tanvi and Arya, Class 2- Jaideep and Ramsey, Class 3 – Suhaira and Aayansh, Class 4 – Hashem and Hasya, Class 5 – Advita and Jivaj. We will give the other students a turn in January.

The House Representatives for Primary are Dragons – Shrey, Unicorns – Pratika, Phoenix – Aadhya.

Congratulations to all the elected Primary Leadership this term.

Next week, on Tuesday morning, we have the local cross country event in Aartselaar, at the sports centre . It would be great if any parents could come along and cheer the students on. On Friday it will be Friendship Friday when we remind our students what it means to be a good friend. This time we will have a focus on forgiveness. It really isn’t helpful if students hold grudges and bring up incidents from the distant past.

I wish you a wonderful weekend and a great week ahead. 

Read more about DOT DAY HERE

Sharon Short
Head of Primary
Safeguarding Lead.


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