The Primary Section Stories – 08/06

Dear Parents and Carers,


The time is flying by here in school. So many things to do and the end of term is looming fast.


It was wonderful to see so many of you for our International day on the 21st May. We were able to enjoy performances and other treats from around the world. It was very entertaining. The students did so well and really got into the atmosphere. The feedback we have had from parents has been very positive and the fact that everyone helped to clear away was the icing on the cake.


Class 2 did a wonderful assembly for us before the long weekend. They had researched people who made a difference or will make a difference in the future and then shared some information about each one and why they had chosen them. They ranged from Mother Teresa to Muhammed Ali. The class also dressed up to represent each person. It was amazing.



The plants we set out are doing very well. The classes are taking turns to water them. This week we were able to pick some strawberries. The courgette and pumpkin plants are enormous already and the herbs are very aromatic around the playground.



We had our second training session with MOS Vlaanderen this week and we began to discuss what we are hoping to achieve through the project and the types of skills and learning we are hoping to develop outside. The experts who visited were a mine of useful and interesting information. It was great for our staff to work with them. They will be back in September to start the next steps.


Our Parent workshop specifically for class 4 and 5 parents took place on Wednesday 18th May. There were only a few parents who joined us but we hope they found the session useful.


On Wednesday the 1st June we had our Parent Coffee morning. There was quite a musical theme going on and many of our classes performed live. It was lovely to see some of the things they have been learning. Thank you to those parents who joined us online and were able to appreciate all of the students and teachers’ hard work. We really loved your positive comments and were glad to know how much you enjoyed it.


We have had some house football matches going on over the last week. It has been very exciting with very committed players and supporters. They certainly kept the referees busy. The girls matches will be on Tuesday.


EYR were able to go on their trip to De Schorre this week where they had a fantastic time. Class 1 worked on their gardening skills for their trip on Monday and Class 4 went to Brussels to learn more about musical instruments. All of the children have told me what a fantastic time they had.


Make sure you come and see the school play on Friday. It is at the Aartselaar cultural centre and you have been sent all of the details via Engage.We expect to see everyone there.


As many of you will know by now, Mr Haycroft is moving back to England this summer. We have really enjoyed having Mr Haycroft as a teacher in our school. He has been a great member of staff and a dedicated and caring teacher. We wish him all the best for the future. He is moving back to the UK.


We have recruited a new teacher Ms Eevi Happendon to join us in August.


Sharon Short

Head of Primary

Lead Safeguarding Officer.