Primary Newsletter 14/03/2025
Dear Parents and Carers,
This week has been the first week for Class 2’s new teacher Ms Wynne Buckner. Class 2 has settled well with their new teacher and we are looking forward to a wonderful rest of the year. A big thank you to Ms Irina who has held the fort in the meantime.
Just before the holiday we had some ‘Carnaval’ celebrations. Many of the classes investigated the history of Carnaval but we all dressed up and enjoyed the day with a variety of activities and our costume parade. Thank you to all the families who helped their children dress up.
I hope you all had a great holiday but some of our students were busy following additional pursuits. Please see the photo of Adhitya in class 4 who came third in the Belgium Chess Youth Championship 2025. Well done to Adhitya and congratulations for all his hard work.
We kicked off this half term with our Literacy Week. For the whole week we focused on our English skills from reading to drama and writing playscripts. Ms Mac set up some super activities in the Library and turned the library into a restaurant at times so that all of the students could enjoy a book tasting’. Thank you to all the students who took a photo of themselves reading a book in an unusual place. They are all up in the entrance hall, some of the photos are very funny and a couple look a bit dangerous!
As part of the week Classes 3 and 4 took a walk to the Aartselaar library where we were all made very welcome. The students were able to look at a lot of books and take part in a treasure trail. We had such a good time we think we might like to make it a regular excursion.
Today’s assembly was our book character parade and our Literacy week round up. Well done to all of the students who dressed up as characters from a book. Our teachers dressed up as characters from the Dr Seuss books which adds to the fun. You will see more about the literacy week in your class newsletters.
Next week is a big occasion for the Primary Section. We are working together with the Heywood Prep school from Cosrsham in the UK. We will be going out on some educational visits together but the main event is the concert in Mechelen on Wednesday 19th March at 1.30pm in the Mechelen Community centre. All parents and family members are welcome to attend and see the children perform. The week should be a very exciting time for our students especially class 4 and 5 who are performing.
I wish you a wonderful weekend and a great week ahead.
Sharon Short
Head of Primary
Safeguarding Lead.