Primary Newsletter 23/02/2024
Dear Parents and Carers,
We had great fun just before half term with our Carnival celebrations. The students and teachers dressed up in a range of costumes. Class 5, with the help of Ms Nichols, made a presentation about the roots of Carnival for us to enjoy in the assembly that day. Mr Aldo also helped them create a performance that included the Samba beat, which is very popular in Carnival in Brazil. All of the students were able to parade in their outfits and the atmosphere was really exciting.
Some of Class 5 students were also included in the school ski trip. The students had a marvellous time and really improved their skills. There are videos and photos of the wonderful trip on the school social media pages. Please have a good look and Ms G has written a section for the newsletter this week.
On the 7th February Class 2 took a trip out to ‘Chocolate Nation’ in Antwerp. This was to round off the unit on Chocolate that they had been studying for several weeks. They had already made their own chocolate bars in class and were very knowledgeable about the processes they saw. Our official demonstrator was very impressed with the answers they gave to the questions he asked. The displays reinforced the things they had learnt about how and where chocolate grows and the economic issues cocoa growers face. They really enjoyed sampling the different chocolate flavours too. As always they were very well behaved and so as a special treat Ms Saachi took them to try out a hot chocolate drink.
Today’s assembly was presented by Class 4. They and their class teacher, Ms Mac, really put in a lot of effort researching and rewriting fables and legends from around the world including areas like Africa, North America and Australia. They even worked out some very cool costumes. It was wonderful to see them act out the stories. They were very confident and spoke very well. Well done Class 4.
On the 9th March it will be our school open morning. All students are expected to attend. We will have the final of the speech competition and musical performances as well as all of the classrooms being open to view. We do hope you will be able to come along and see our wonderful school in action.
We are holding our annual Music Talent Show on the 19th of March! Everyone should be signed up by now and the heats will start soon. The winners of the Talent Show will get to participate in the end of year show in June. We look forward to seeing all the talent!
Have a great weekend.
Sharon Short
Head of Primary
Safeguarding Leader.